CHI President Mr Igbinoba Imagbe lead opens the breakfast floor at Ikorodu community
CHI Program Officer Demonstrates Proper Hand washingA Child from Ikorodu community repeats the proper hand washing processHand washing participants show off their clean handsCaring Hearts Team Ready with the foodCHI President Mr Igbinoba Imagbe lead opens the breakfast floor at Ikorodu communityBreakfast time Beggars Colony Agege railwayChildren eating Kindness day’ breakfast meal at Agege communityCHI Staff and volunteers distributing food items at IkoroduChildren and women eating at Ikorodu community4CHI President presents Seriki Makarfi with a small phone on behalf of the organization.The women and children appreciating CHI Team.CHI Board of trustee members, staff and Volunteers (Agege)Caring Hearts !!! We really Care…
CHI, through her ECD program sets to provide intervention services to children in programmatic areas such as health, nutrition, education, safety & security, and responsive parenting.