Education Projects

Education Projects

Early Childhood Development. Counselling, Mentorship, Training, Scholarships, Building & Renovation of Schools.

Education Projects
Short Term (Year 1)

Within the First Year

Medium Term (Year 2-3)

Within the Second to Third Year

Long Term (Year 4-7)

Within the Fourth to Seventh Year

  •  Early Childhood Development
  •  Counselling, mentorship and coaching
  • Training & development
  •  Scholarships: Provision of fully funded tuition fees and materials to disadvantaged children and youth in the following areas:
  • Primary Schools
  • Secondary Schools
  • University
  • Building schools
  • Renovation of schools*


Advocacy focused on Social and Behavioural Change Communication and Value Reorientation

Personal Info

Please complete your donation by making a direct transfer/bank payment to:
Name of Account: ICOC Caring Hearts Initiative
Account Number: 1311964874
Bank: Zenith Bank Plc.

Afterward, please send proof of payment to so that we can update our records.
God Bless You!

Donation Total: ₦ 20,000.00


CHI, through her ECD program sets to provide intervention services to children in programmatic areas such as health, nutrition, education, safety & security, and responsive parenting.

Opening Hours
  • Monday - Tuesday
    9.00 - 17.00
  • Saturday
    9.00 - 16.00
  • Sunday